These regular monthly lunches in conjunction with the SMC FP Club are open to all in the ESMS Community and are a great way to catch up with friends in a relaxed environment.

Dates for the spring/summer are: Friday 26 April, Friday 31 May and Friday 21 June all at Inverleith from 12pm with lunch being served at 1pm.  Lunch will be soup and a meat or fish main for £19 per head with three courses available for £21 per head. 

It would be very much appreciated if you could either email or call Suzi or Keryn on or on 0131 311 1131 to advise your attendance as it helps our caterers prepare and ensure there is enough for everyone.  Payments will be made at the till on the day.  

If you have any dietary requirements, please notify your attendance and requirements to Suzi at least 7 days ahead of the gathering to ensure catering to fit your needs.

2 thoughts on “ESMS Community Lunches

  1. Please book 2 places for the lunches in April, May and June. Thank you best wishes Laurie &  Norma.xx

    Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

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